An Interesting Way to Travel

The guests we meet…

In September a gentleman who lives in South Africa checked into Saratoga Arms.  He walked through the front door in full cycling gear and quite sweaty.  He looked as though he had been bicycling all day…when in fact he had.  Here’s his story-

After retirement, he wanted to see the world in new and inventive ways.  He told us he wanted to take a trip from Montreal to New York City….on his bicycle!!  He planned the trip for months.  Bought a custom made bike and trained for stamina (although I’m not sure anyone truly told him about the Adirondack Mountains).

He started in Montreal in the middle of September, cycling each day and putting up for the night in little town after little town.  He told us that he knew that Saratoga Springs was halfway between Montreal and New York City and seemed as though our town was a great place to spend a few days and refuel for the last half of his trip.  He enjoyed the town, enjoyed our breakfasts for the three days he stayed with us and on Saturday September 25th set out for New York City. (see pic below leaving from the Saratoga Arms porch)

We asked that he keep us updated with his success and he sent an email stating that he arrived at Central Park in New York City on Sunday, October 3rd just in time for lunch.  Besides the torrential rains, he had a grand time. He did send a pic in Central Park for proof, see below.

One of the most interesting things about his story is that he wanted to experience this trip with his wife of 30+ years.  She traveled with him the entire way…in a TAXI!

Mr. Lomas bicycling to New York City

Mr. Lomas in Central Park in NYC after a 3 week trip from Montreal to NYC on a bike