Ruth Bader Ginsburg

One of the perks of spending my winter on Sanibel Island is to partake of the “Forum” at BIG ARTS .  Many interesting speakers on a variety of topics give a thirty-five minute lecture and take questions from an audience that can seat no more than 415 people.  The hottest ticket this past winter was … Read More

I’m Back

I returned to Saratoga Springs last week after a wonderful winter on Sanibel Island.  I drove down in January by way of a fabric mill in South Carolina.  (The sign on the door of the mill advised, “No Loaded Firearms Allowed Inside”.)  I stopped in Atlanta for America’s Mart, where I ordered some wonderful lamps … Read More

Cozy Inn through March

General Manager daughter was asked by the New York State Hospitality and Tourism Association (NYSHTA) to participate in a press conference headlined by New York State First Lady Silda Spitzer.  The press conference was held to launch a statewide promotion called “Cozy Inn”.  Until the end of March if anyone books at participating hotels, inns … Read More

A Child’s Eye View

During the Christmas holidays,  I was asked by a niece to review her college applications.  Such pressure on young people! I was reminded of our youngest daughter’s application process many years ago.  After much thought, she wrote an essay that could be tweaked with a sentence or two and it then worked for each of the colleges to … Read More

Remains of the Day (Part III)

 A lady telephoned on Monday (December 10, 2007).  She stayed at Saratoga Arms in early November but couldn’t remember which room.  She is packing for a Christmas trip to Mexico and cannot locate her charger.  Did she leave it here?  Tech-savvy daughter asked what brand.  “No idea”, says she.  “It’s very different looking” was the only clue … Read More